Thursday, April 26, 2012

4G vs. 3G Phones

I recently invested in a new phone. The Samsung Aviator is the first ever 4G phone from US Cellular. 4G is basically just a fancy way of saying “faster internet”. The difference is clear when using this network. The basic 3G phone processes about 1.5mbps, while the 4G phone processes about 12mbps. Around 10 times faster. I was recommended this phone by one of the US cellular workers because, of course, as a teenager I use the internet on my phone a lot. I can download pictures; load YouTube videos, Facebook, or almost anything with the click of a button. No buffering and no waiting for my screen to load. It loads almost instantly. 

The main criticism I have to this phone is the battery, but what smart phone doesn’t have an insufficient battery life? I guess it depends on how often you use apps, the internet, or stream videos or other data. I noticed the shortage of battery the first few days after purchasing my phone, because naturally I was constantly trying to test the 4G and browse the internet. There are a few ways to save your battery life with a 4G phone, or really any smart phone. You can turn down the brightness, obviously, or make sure the apps you aren’t using are turned off. With the 4G phone you also have the option to switch off your 4G setting, which will just move the phone back to the normal 3G speed. This helps for times when you’re not using the internet and want to preserve your battery. You get used to the speedy-fast internet quickly, and trying to go back to a 3G phone is… not possible.  

Despite the criticisms and short battery life, I wouldn’t trade back my 4G phone for any other type of phone. I love that I can find anything I want on the internet almost instantly, which is something I couldn’t do with my old 3G, or any phone.

Word Count: 328

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