Online education is the new fad this year. But personally, I think it has more of a negative influence than a positive. It is allowing an excuse for students to drop out of regular high schools, while giving them the option to take classes at home. Which, although a positive for those who choose to dropout, is somewhat poisoning the minds of teenagers to think it is a smart choice to drop out of high school. I think that this is going to result in much larger issues in the future.
Increased dropout rates: Sure, there is the option to take online courses when you choose to dropout of high school, but are all of these students taking advantage? Some students will dropout, but remain too lazy to take these courses seriously and end up not receiving a high school diploma.
Tuition: With these increased dropout rates and less students attending traditional high school’s, who will pay for the necessities needed to maintain a high school, such as teacher salaries, maintenance, and teaching supplies? Although outnumbered by public schools, private schools require yearly tuition, and cannot be run without this income.
Human interaction: Some online education courses include chances to interact with other students enrolled in online courses outside of their homes. Such as field trips, study groups, etc. But not being in the same type of setting each and every day as your fellow peers attending a “real” high school are, will make you less capable of communication with others, as well as interacting with teachers and other adults.
Couch Potatoes: Without this human interaction, and requirement to wake up early everyday, and physically go to school, our country will become increasingly lazy. Even our own First Lady complains about how our country is obese and don’t get enough exercise. This will only get worse if we allow our nation’s teenagers to sit on the couch or in bed all day while “receiving an education”.
Word Count: 326
Word Count: 326